The Journey of Life

This Is Not A Poem

Just like Jesus Christ,
You have to carry your own cross,
Some crosses are bigger than others,
But people are built differently,
Some can carry heavier loads than others,
Some cannot handle as much,
But nonetheless, everyone has their own cross to bear,
Someone might look at yours and wonder why you complain,
But don’t let that stress your brain,
He/She does not know your cross’ weight and strain,
No one except you can understand the pain,
Stressing will only drive you insane,
But you know what’s a shame?
When you give up and can’t handle the weight,
Too many people reach that point sooner or late,
And due to the gravity of the situation, they come tumbling down,
Ending up crushed by the heaviness in their hearts and frown,
What would I advise you?
Build yourself so that you grow big enough to lift your cross,
Life being full of additional challenges inevitably gives you a loss,
But carry your cross and carry it with pride,
Take your time with each and every stride,
Reach the top of the mountain and get crucified,
You will come back stronger like when Jesus died.
